26/11/2024 : I had a fantastic day exhibiting at the Allman Gallery in Oakham. Thank you so much to the fabulous staff - what a beautiful gallery space. So many visitors, kind comments and purchases too!
19/07/2024 : After moving house and getting the landscapers in I finally have my new studio!! Big thanks to my ever supportive family dream team who built it. I am one lucky lady to have such a brilliant space to get creative and get painting in!
04/02/2022 : Totally delighted to be exhibiting at The Ferrers Gallery in the 'Inspired' collection. A range of my slimline and oversized originals are available to view and purchase until April. What an honour to be asked to exhibit at such a beautiful bespoke gallery in the heart of Leicestershire.
02/05/2021 : This is the speedy creation of 'Emerald Skies'. I love the teal and emerald vivid colours in this dramatic piece. This one sold pretty quickly once ready to go, now being loved on the wall of its forever home.
27/02/2021 : A sneaky peek at my process from start to finish. 8 hours of creativity crammed into just over a minute. Got a little frustrated with the clouds at one point but came together nicely in the end. Wouldn't it be great if I could paint this quickly in real time.
06/02/2021 : A little tour around the studio. The studio was created by converting half of the garage during the first lockdown March 2020. It took 8 weeks to finalise due to shortages of materials in the UK and the requirement to manually dig out 5 tonnes of mud from the garden.
18/12/2020 : Some private collectors came to view my artwork today. With the studio based in the garden it is Covid secure, no need to enter the house and it can be fully ventilated with the doors pulled back. I am so excited but the studio has got in a bit of a mess recently so I've spent hours cleaning up! I was delighted they purchased 'Sunset Vibes' I loved painting it.
04/12/2020 : Painting "Warmth" inside the warm studio getting excited for Christmas enjoying a classic bit of Miariah. Only to realise the snow is falling outside. Bring on Santa !!!!!